Social Media Content Creation

Unlock the Secret to Creating 100 Content Pieces with Minimal Effort!


Business owners, many of you struggle with content creation. What do I mean by that? The easiest way to create content for your social media and website is to document your day.

When you arrive at a job site, welcome a customer, or start your workday, document these moments.

Capture the before, during, and after stages to create long-form content.

Once you have this long-form video, you can use services like Opus Clips, Drip or freelancers and many others to generate 10, 15, or even 20 different clips from that single video.

These clips can be used over the next few days or weeks across your social media platforms to grab the attention of your audience.

Remember, you have a powerful 4K camera in your pocket—your iPhone or Android phone.

Start documenting your day.

Once you have the content, it’s simple to create a long-form video from the short clips. These services can then produce short-form clips with captions and images, keeping you top of mind for your current and potential customers.

I’m Paul Meyers with Clark Communications here in North Bay. We are a marketing communications agency with over 20 years of experience. We love helping you with your content marketing. Thank you.”

ai Business Owners CRM

Unlock 10x More Leads with This Simple Website Automation Trick

Business owners, did you know that only 15% of website forms for most businesses have an auto-reply set up? This is really discouraging because when you get a new lead from your website, you want to acknowledge it right away.

Luckily, there’s technology available that can do this for you easily. RCRM and many other CRMs can embed a form on your website. As soon as someone submits the form, they’ll receive an SMS message and an email acknowledging their submission.

Imagine having this installed on your website while your competitor doesn’t. Don’t you think that would give you an advantage? I certainly do. It’s all about conversations and communication.

Reach out to me, and I can show you how to set this up.

Business Owners

Business Owners – Do this in tough times.

Tough Times don’t last but Tough business owners do.

As a business owner one of the worst things you can do when business is slow or when the economy is in a downturn is to stop all your marketing efforts.

Don’t be like all your competitors and start running for the hills and burying their heads in the sand.

This is the time to grab more market share for your business. Getting more attention and eyeballs is key to growing and staying in business during tougher times.

Here are a few things you should consider doing.

  1. Document your day with photos and video and upload that to your website (blog post) to all your social media profiles showing the amazing service you provide to all your customers.
  2. Optimize your website. Hire a professional to audit and analyze your website making any suggested recommendations while times are a bit slower to begin helping you capture more attention and eyeballs of your potential customers.
  3. Post on social media platforms where you believe your customers are. Add value, showcase your services and highlight your expertise.
  4. Meet your prospects – get out and meet your potential customers at events, meetings, or wherever they are.

These are just a few things you can be doing.

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Shocking Truth: 5 Easy Steps to Make Prospects Love and Trust You!

So this is how you can build the “Know Me, Like Me, Trust Me” factor with your prospects and customers. In the beginning, people are highly skeptical when getting to know you. Our goal is to lower their skepticism and build a high level of trust so they exchange information with you and potentially buy your products and services.

The process involves five touchpoints if you own and control the prospect’s email and phone number. On day 1, after capturing their email, send an email to help lower their skepticism. For example, “Did you know we offer financing?”

A couple of days later, send another email with customer testimonials or social proof, saying, “Don’t believe us? Here’s what our customers are saying.”

On the third or fourth day, continue with another touchpoint, structuring a total of five points of contact. This will lower their skepticism and increase the chances of them buying from you because they now have a high level of trust.

This is what we call the “Know Me, Like Me, Trust Me” factor, and it’s achieved after providing a high-value content offer. Typically, we use an opt-in format offering a free digital download in exchange for their name, email, and phone number. Ensure the content is high-quality, relevant, and valuable.

Once they opt-in, you have their email and phone number, allowing you to trigger these four or five different events. By emailing them every other day for five or six days, you’ll bring down their level of skepticism and show them you can deliver on your promises.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the process of building trust and rapport with prospects through strategic email marketing.


Business Owners Need to Own and Control their Customer Data

Calling all Business Owners. . .

In today’s competitive business landscape, owning and controlling your data is crucial for long-term success.

Implementing a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system allows business owners to centralize and manage their customer data effectively.

With a CRM, you can track every interaction, transaction, and preference of your customers, giving you valuable insights into their behavior.

This data empowers you to create targeted marketing campaigns, retargeting both customers and prospects with personalized offers and messages.

By leveraging your CRM data, you can enhance customer retention, drive repeat business, and ultimately, increase your revenue through strategic retargeting efforts.

Owning your data means you have the power to continuously engage and delight your customers, turning one-time buyers into loyal advocates.

ai Business Owners Contractor Marketing

Contractors: Boost Your Revenue with This Google Hack!

Contractors: Boost Your Revenue with This Google Hack!

Contractors, want to make more money and book more deals? Your website needs to be dialed in. Google looks for E-A-T: Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust.

Build this with before-and-after photos and videos. Use your phone to show what’s happening in your business and upload it to social media. These signals, along with blog posts on your website, can help you rank better on Google and get more business.

It’s simple: do a before video, do an after video, and get it on social media where your audience is—Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube Shorts.

Document your day, collect content, and share it. This boosts visibility and drives traffic to your website, leading to more revenue. That revenue can help you build your business and achieve the lifestyle you want.

Join our Free Contractors Community! Connect with other contractors and access a wealth of marketing training. Join us at See you inside.

Work with us? [CLICK HERE]


Contractor Marketing

How to Build a Simple High Level CRM Automation | Step-by-Step Guide

How to build a simple High Level CRM automation step by step.

Welcome to HUMAN TOUCH CRM! In this comprehensive training video, we walk you through the process of creating a simple yet powerful automation sequence using High Level CRM.

Whether you’re a contractor, home service professional, or local business owner, this step-by-step guide will help you leverage automation to streamline your operations and enhance customer engagement.

What You’ll Learn:
✅ Introduction to High Level CRM Automation: Understand the basics and benefits of using automation in your business.
✅ Form Integration: Learn how to collect essential customer information directly from your website forms.
✅ Automation Sequence Creation: Follow our detailed instructions to set up an effective automation sequence that keeps your customers engaged and informed.
✅ Practical Examples: See real-world examples of how this automation can save you time and improve your customer relationships.

HUMAN TOUCH CRM is an all-in-one sales and marketing platform designed specifically for local businesses.

We provide a user-friendly interface, powerful tools, and unparalleled support to help you grow your business efficiently.

Who Should Watch:
✅ Contractors and Home Service Professionals
✅ Local Business Owners
✅ Marketing Enthusiasts
Anyone looking to simplify their CRM and automation processes

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If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more tutorials, tips, and insights into maximizing your business potential with HUMAN TOUCH CRM.

Thank you for watching, and let’s get started with building your automation today!

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads for Beginners 2024: Step-by-Step Guide to Boost Your Business!

Facebook Ads for Beginners 2024: Step-by-Step Guide to Boost Your Business!

Welcome to the Facebook Ads training for contractors and business owners. Today, I’ll walk you through how to use Facebook Ads Manager in 2024 to create ads on Facebook and Instagram that generate more revenue and results for your business. Let’s get started.

Step 1: Accessing Facebook Ads Manager

First, you’ll need to access Facebook Ads Manager. You can find it by googling “Facebook Ads Manager” or “Meta Ads Manager.” Once you’re in, click on “Facebook Business Manager” to enter Ads Manager. Here, you’ll be able to create and publish your ads with various triggers, optimizations, and audience customizations.

Step 2: Creating a New Campaign

In Ads Manager, start by clicking the “Create” button. You’ll need to choose an objective for your campaign:

  • Awareness Campaign: Shows your ads to people who are likely to remember them.
  • Traffic Campaign: Sends people to a destination like your website, app, or event.
  • Engagement Campaign: Aims for more messages, purchases, video views, post likes, comments, and shares.
  • Lead Campaign: Gets people to send you their information so you can reach out to them.

We’ll focus on creating a lead ad campaign. Click “Continue” to proceed.

Step 3: Setting Up the Campaign

When setting up your campaign, choose “Manual Lead Ads Campaign” for more control over the process. Click “Continue.”

There are three layers to setting up your ad campaign:

  1. Lead Campaign Objective
  2. Ad Sets
  3. Ads

Start by naming your campaign (e.g., “Test Facebook Ads Campaign”). If you’re in a specific category like housing, make sure to select it to avoid issues with your ads being shown.

Step 4: Ad Set Details

  • Budget and Schedule: Set your budget (e.g., $10/day) and decide when your ads will run.
  • Audience Controls: Define your target audience by location, age, gender, and interests. For example, if you’re targeting kitchen renovations, you might choose interests like HGTV, Property Brothers, and Mike Holmes.
  • Placements: Uncheck “Advantage Placements” and select “Facebook Feed” and “Instagram Feed” for better results.

Step 5: Creating the Ad

Name your ad (e.g., “Ad No. 1”) and select your Facebook and Instagram pages. Upload an engaging image or video created with tools like Canva. Add primary text, a headline, and a call-to-action button like “Learn More.” This button will lead users to a form where they can provide their information.

Step 6: Building the Form

Create an instant form to capture leads. This form should include fields for name, email, and phone number, as well as your privacy policy. Once the form is complete, it’s ready to be linked to your ad.

Step 7: Publishing the Ad

After setting up your ad, click “Publish” to launch it on Facebook and Instagram. Monitor your campaign for three to five days to allow the Facebook algorithm to optimize it. After this period, review the performance data and make adjustments as needed.

Optimizing Your Campaign

To optimize your campaign, create multiple ad variations with different images but the same text. Monitor which ads perform best and turn off the underperforming ones. This will help you focus your budget on the most effective ads.


Creating a Facebook Ads campaign in 2024 is straightforward and can significantly benefit your business. If you need more guidance or want to join a community of contractors, visit It’s a free SKOOL community where you can find additional training and support.

Thank you for watching. I’m Paul Meyers with Clark Communications in North Bay, Ontario. We’ve been in the digital and traditional marketing space for over 20 years, helping contractors, home service pros, and business owners succeed. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Happy advertising!


Unleash Funnel Magic: Get 5X More Leads with This Secret Strategy!

Unleash Funnel Magic: Get 5X More Leads with This Secret Strategy!

Hey everyone, this is all about funnel magic! Why should a contractor care about this? Because it gets more leads into your system and your pipeline, allowing you to nurture them and grow your business. This process builds a relationship through the “know me, like me, trust me” stages of marketing.

Step one: Imagine you’re running an ad on Facebook. This ad should offer a free gift – something of real value. Remember, even the best websites convert at around 2%, while landing pages convert at about 10%. That’s a five-fold increase in conversions! So, definitely consider this approach.

Your website is great for many things, but it’s not the best at converting visitors. If you’re running paid traffic, like an ad on Facebook or Instagram, direct it towards a free offer. For example, “Get my free renovation tips” or “Download the 2024 Kitchen Renovation Guide.” This free offer will attract prospects.

When they click on the offer, it brings them to an opt-in page. This is where the magic happens. Here, you collect their name, email, and phone number, so you can market to them later.

Once they submit their information, send them to another landing page. This page might have a video sales letter from your team, tailored to your specific service – whether it’s kitchen renovations, HVAC, or something else. Make sure to email them a link to download their free PDF or document right away.

What have you accomplished? You’ve educated a potential prospect and added them to your pipeline. Now, you can continue nurturing them with an email sequence. This could be a 10-part series, a 50-part series, or even a 3-part series – whatever works best for your business.

This method, from the ad to the opt-in to the landing page, works so much better than just sending traffic to your website.

And hey, don’t forget to join our free contractors community at It’s a space where other contractors are discussing the best marketing strategies and accessing a plethora of free training to grow their businesses.

Thanks for watching

Contractor Marketing

Double Your Business in 12 Months with These Simple Tweaks!

Double Your Business in 12 Months with These Simple Tweaks!

Good morning! Today, I want to talk about doubling your business in 12 months or less. This strategy has been successful in various businesses by making small incremental changes. These small levers can move big doors and make a significant difference.

As a business owner, it’s crucial to know your numbers. I’ll show you how. Let me share my screen.

[Screen sharing begins]

Assuming you can see my screen, where it says “Double Your Business in 12 Months,” let’s look at a business owner’s current numbers. On the left, we have current metrics: 10 new monthly leads, an average sale value of $5,000, and a 20% close rate. This translates to $10,000 in monthly revenue and $120,000 annually.

Now, consider a 25% increase in each of these areas. Leads increase from 10 to 12.5, average sale value from $5,000 to $6,250, and close rate from 20% to 25%. These small increases nearly double your revenue from $120,000 to $234,000 annually.

You might wonder, how do we achieve this 25% increase in each category? Here’s how:

1. Increase Leads:

  • Deploy Digital Assets: Create additional websites (rank and rent or lead gen) to generate more leads.
  • Paid Traffic Campaigns: Use platforms like Facebook, Google PPC, Google Display, or TikTok ads to drive traffic.
  • Join BNI: Business Networking International chapters are global and help increase lead flow and referrals.
  • Join the Chamber of Commerce: For SEO benefits and networking with local business owners.

2. Increase Average Sale Value:

  • Upsell: Add complementary services (e.g., gutter cleaning, pressure washing) to existing ones.
  • Increase Pricing: Evaluate and adjust your pricing to see what the market can tolerate.
  • Add More Products/Services: Expand your offerings to include upgraded services.

3. Improve Conversion Rates:

  • Answer the Phone: Ensure you or someone on your team answers calls promptly.
  • Follow-Up Process: Implement a follow-up system, ideally within the first five minutes of contact.
  • Scripting: Develop scripts for your sales team to ensure consistency and efficiency.

To summarize, know your numbers: leads per month, closing rate, and average sales value. Apply a 25-30% increase, and you can significantly boost your revenue.

Remember, small levers move big doors. Consistently applying small tweaks to your business can yield massive benefits. I’ll share a screenshot of this and leave it in the channel.

If you have questions, hit me up. I love helping business owners grow. We specialize in digital marketing, SEO, lead generation, CRMs, and more. Visit for our free community on Skool, where you can access training and connect with other contractors.

I’m Paul Myers from Clerk Communications, working with contractors and home service entrepreneurs since 2016. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Thank you!